Dear Cathedral Community:
Proverbs 3:9 tells us: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the first fruits of all your crops.” (NIV)
While we are sheltering at home, the mission and ministries of the Cathedral continue to thrive. We still have financial obligations: Staff to pay, grounds to maintain, buildings to upkeep, insurance premiums, security costs, and some unexpected new expenses due to the shelter in place order. The Cathedral clergy, staff, and lay leaders are deeply committed to ensuring the momentum we have built is not slowed by the pandemic.
Unfortunately, since the suspension of public worship services and on campus activities, the Cathedral has experienced a 60% drop in pledge/giving income. In addition, we are unable to generate any rental income during this period. If this trend continues, the Cathedral will have a significant cash flow issue and may not be able to meet its financial obligations to our staff, ministries, and vendors.
It is crucial that you please keep your pledge/giving current; and if you are able to do so, please consider giving an additional gift of support to the Cathedral especially during this Easter season. We realize, since we are not worshipping at the Cathedral and life is uniquely hectic and unsettling these days, remembering to regularly mail your pledge/gift might not be the first thing on your mind.
In an effort to simplify giving, St. James has partnered with Authorize.Net, the world’s leading secure online payment platform. Through the St. James website, you can quickly and securely submit your pledge/gift by electronic check and credit card. Please note: The fees passed along to St. James are significantly less with electronic check payments compared to credit card payments.
In addition, through the site, you are able to specify if you would like to make your donation a recurring gift. When you select this box, a member of the Cathedral staff will follow up with you by phone to confirm your recurring gift and preferred frequency of that gift. If you already have established a recurring gift through your 2020 Pledge, no further action is required.
The Chapter of St. James is working tirelessly to keep Cathedral expenses low. Yet, it is also imperative that we continue meeting our financial obligations now to avoid a greater financial burden in the future (ie. having to obtain loans to cover operational costs).
There will be a day when the ban is lifted, and we once again worship together and resume normal operations on campus. Honoring our obligations TOGETHER now, will ensure that our return to the Cathedral campus will be joyous and seamless.
Thank you for your continued generosity and support!
Blessings in the name of the Risen Lord,